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  • Writer's pictureSasha Chiato

Be An Influencer Tips

  1. Set Boundaries

    • Set your personal boundaries. What do you want to share online and what you don’t!

    • Set boundaries with companies/brands you are working with; 7 days from receiving fresh products to posting dates.


    • Make sure contrasts are signed by all parties before creating content!

  1. Be Consistent With Your Style and Don’t Give Up

    • Don’t clog your feed!

    • I post 3/4 times a week on Instagram

    • 2 times a week on Tiktok

The algorithm works best when you leave a small break in between posts.

  • Be consistent within your style of content. Appearance etc

  • Don’t give up! - The moment you’re about to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens

  1. Keep It Simple

    • Don’t let others around you stop you from fulfilling your dreams - drown the noise out

    • Keep equipment simple; use what’s available to you and invest in lighting, lighting & lighting!

    • Work smarter not harder! Try to utilize content for different platforms!

    • Use editing apps on phones ( I use iMovie & Splice)

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